當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 高考英語詞匯詳解:attend的用法
新東方在線 高中教育培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時間: 2017年05月22日



  1. 表示“參加”、“出席”,通常用作及物動詞,其賓語通常是meeting, party, show, wedding, class, lecture, school, church等。如:

  Did you attend the meeting yesterday? 你昨天去開會了嗎?

  He was ill and didn’t attend school. 他有病,沒有去上學(xué)。

  Her lecture was well attended. 聽她演講的人很多。

  有時 attend 后的賓語可以省略,此時為不及物動詞。如:

  They had a quiet wedding --- only a few friends attended . 他們的婚禮靜悄悄的,只有幾個朋友參加。

  attend 表示“參加”與 join 不同,參見并比較 join的有關(guān)用法。

  2. 表示醫(yī)生或護(hù)士等的“治療”、“護(hù)理”、“照顧”等,可用作及物或不及物動詞;用作不及動詞時其后通常接介詞 on。如:

  Which doctor is attending you? 哪個醫(yī)生在給你治療?

  She was attended by Dr Smith. 她由史密斯醫(yī)生治療。

  I have a good doctor attending me. 我有一個很好的醫(yī)生在給我治病。

  有時也與介詞 to 連用。

  3. 用于短語 attend to, 主要用來表示。如:


  Attend carefully . 注意聽。

  If you don’t attend ,you will never learn anything. 你要是不注意聽,你就會什么也學(xué)不到。②處理;辦理。如:

  I’ll attend to it. 這事我來辦。

  I may be late----I have one or two things to attend to. 我可能會遲到,我還有一兩件事要處理。③照顧;照看。如:

  If you go out, who will attend to the baby?你要是出去,誰來照顧嬰兒?

  Will you attend to the shop for a few minutes while I go to the bank? 在我去銀行時你幫我照看一下店鋪好嗎? ④接待;招待。如:

  Are you being attended to, sir? 先生,有人招呼你了嗎?

  I’m too busy. I can’t attend to you now. 我很忙,現(xiàn)在不能接待你。⑤專心;關(guān)心。如:

  Attend to your work and stop talking. 專心工作,不要說話。

  Parents must attend to the education of their children. 父母必須要關(guān)心子女的教育。⑥治療;醫(yī)治。如:

  His injury was attended to by a young doctor. 他的傷由一位年輕醫(yī)生醫(yī)治。



