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來源:教育聯(lián)展網(wǎng) | 發(fā)布時間: | 編輯:佚名

背單詞枯燥乏味,但如果和短語結合在一起,既能記住單詞還能學日常實用短語,會讓你事半功倍。 過完這87句生活日常用語,讓你**記住所有單詞,日常用語脫口而出~




1. I wasn't born yesterday.

2. How do I address you?

3. She turns me off.

4. So far so good.

5. Be my guest.

6. That was a close call.

7. Far from it.

8. It's a pain in the neck.

9. We're in the same boat.

10. My mouth is watering.

11. I ache all over.

12. I have a runny nose.

13. Do you have any openings?

14. Think nothing of it.

15. I'm not myself today.

16. I have a sweet tooth.

17. For the time being.

18. Don't beat around the bush. 

19. It's up on the air.

20. It slipped my mind.

21. You can't please everyone.

22. I'm working on it.

23. You bet!

24. Drop me a line.

25. Are you pulling my leg?

26. I'll keep my ears open.

27. Neck and neck.

28. I'm feeling under the weather.

29. Don't get me wrong.

30. You're the boss.

31. If I were in your shoes.

32. Over my dead body!

33. It'll come to me.

34. I will play it by ear.

35. Let's talk over coffee.

36. Take it easy.

37. Let's give him a big hand.

38. As far as I'm concerned.

39. I'm up to my ears in work.

40. You can't do this to me.


41. Just to be on the safe side. 

42. It's been a long time.

43. It's about time.

44. I can't imagine why.

45. That's really something.

46. Excuse me for a moment.

47. I'm dying to see you.

48. I'm flattered.

49. You can never tell.

50. I won't buy your story.

51. It hurts like hell!

52. It can't be helped.

53. Sorry to bother you.

Sorry to have bothered you.

54. Stay out of this matter, please.

55. I'll make it up to you.

(我會賠償?shù)?。?br style="max-width:100%;" /> 56. I'm very / really / terribly / awfully / extremely sorry.

57. Let's forgive and forget.


58. I've heard so much about you!

(久仰大名?。?br style="max-width:100%;" /> 58. Don't underestimate me.

59. She gives me a headache.

60. You're wasting you breath.

61. Don't get on my nerves!

62. His argument doesn't hold water.(他的論點站不住腳。)
63. You've got to do something.

64. Don't look wise.

65. You're going too far!

66. Don't bury your head in the sand.(不要逃避現(xiàn)實。)
67. Nothing works.

68. Money will come and go.

69. He's been behind bars for almost 30 years.

70. You have my word.

71. He hit the ceiling at the news.

72. You're too outspoken.

73. Every dog has his day.

74. Are you out of you mind?

75. He's been everywhere.

76. Who is to blame?

77. There're a lot of rumors going around.

78. I don't feel up to that.

79. I'm mad at myself.

80. It's raining cats and dogs.

81. What the hell are you doing?

82. I can't seem to get to sleep.

83. You look very serious about something.

84. I hope I'm not in the way.

85. A fool never learns.

86. What brings you to Beijing?

87. She looks blue.







11: 41: 09




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